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Create an iCal feed for subscribing to Officenet calendar from (almost) any calendar program.

Most calendar programs come with a subscription feature that allows you to view the information on a webpage in your choice of calendar program (much like an rss viewer).

This could be helpful for those of us who might use OS X's built in Calendar, or Microsoft's Outlook.

Andy W. , 14.05.2014, 13:56
Response from the site administrator
mike, 14.05.2014
umm... It does exactly that.

Would you like to call our office to discuss?

Idea status: under consideration


Andy W., 14.05.2014, 14:59
I would indeed! I'm no system administrator, it was an off the cuff thought as I couldn't obviously see it. Thanks!
mike, 14.05.2014, 15:07
As I cant work out who you are or which customer we will have to wait for you to contact us.

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