Officenet Workplace All the ideas and discussions
33 votes Vote

The 'instant message' feature would work better if it auto-refreshed and had a reply feature. Perhaps something along the lines of the facebook implementation of its chat feature.

The 'instant message' feature would work better if it auto-refreshed and had a reply feature. Perhaps something along the lines of the facebook implementation of its chat feature.

Chris , 10.01.2011, 14:03
Response from the site administrator
mike, 14.01.2011
These features rely on a very big change to the system but will open the doors for several options, its nice to know people are intersted, there will be a simple chat feature as well as several smart features too.

Keep voting for this if you want it.
Idea status: under consideration


mike, 11.01.2011, 07:17
Yes, It is very basic popup, not really that useful more a bit of fun, there are plans for this though,

Please vote it up so we can dedicate more time to it. Project based stored chats it where I think it will go.
rich, 11.01.2011, 15:51
surely "Project based chats" would happen face to face? Or on the phone?

This pop up is useful for reception, or notifications. e.g where is "Billy Bob, i have a call for him/her" etc, or "please dont print for 30mins"
mike, 22.01.2011, 06:51
Okay so the more that I look at this the more complicated it gets.

The chat technology its easy enough but how officenet works currently there are lots of page loads and so the chat would sign in / out on every load of a page and be slow.

How about...

A separate chat window, maybe called 'live' you would open this window by clicking on somthing then leave the window open ( behind your main window all the time )

In effect, you would not be signed into chat unless you wanted to be. This would then take care of all popup's and alerts etc. essentially a dash board and a seperate officenet screen.

The dash board would have things like call status, caller id, in/out, chat messages etc.
But would not refresh as often as the main officenet screen, I suspect that we would then remove all existing popup and real time notificatiosn from the main officenet making it much faster eg, EDMS Notifications new mail and existing chat system would be 'passive' unless the dash board was open too.

The dash board would take care of all the realtime stuff and should be able to push message bubbles to the other officenet screens. without loading an 'app' on the desktop its probably not possible to have things popping up from the tool bar due to browsers restrictions.

How does that sound?

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