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Can we have the ability to ask for read receipts when sending emails. I spend a great deal of time ringing people up who fail to respond just to ask if they have received the email.

We used to have email read receipts by default but it was removed after a client complained that they did not wish to be continually asked for them. Can we have the ability to switch read receipt requests on and off as we see fit. It was an exceptionally useful function and I have used receipts on many occasion to confirm that someone had received an email which they subsequently did not recall receiving.

Richard MacDonald , 31.01.2011, 14:58
Response from the site administrator
mike, 02.02.2011
Yes, Maybe...

You know that the people you really want to know got it can simply click no when asked about read receipts?

Also, we do not even ask you about a read receipt on officenet so all emails sent to officenet users look like they have not been read.

Its a little pointless but not difficult to add, already is a system wide setting but not individual at present.
Idea status: under consideration


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